Know the risks. Make a plan. Be prepared.
Emergency Preparedness
Be Prepared
Your house should have an emergency supply kit in a convenient location that all family members can access, which should contain the following items:
- Flashlight and batteries
- Basic first aid
- Battery-operated radio
- Cash
Keep your smartphone charged in case of an outage, it could be your only way to stay connected. If you do not have a cellphone, ensure one of your home phones is a model that does not require electricity to operate. Remember, VOIP phones may not work during a power outage, so it is advisable to have a standard land line. Prepare a list of emergency contact numbers and have that handy. Before an outage happens, try to take time to discuss key safety considerations with all family members, see our outage safety page for more information.
Things to Consider
- If time permits and there is an expectation of outages, fill up your vehicles gas tank
- Be aware that most frozen and refrigerated food will keep for up to twenty-four hours. Try not to open the fridge or freezer to maximize shelf life.
- To protect sensitive equipment, turn off or unplug stereo sets, television sets, microwave ovens, VCR's and personal computers. Some equipment may merit the consideration of surge protectors.
- Leave at least one light on so that you know when the power is restored.
- To help reduce initial demand upon power restoration, turn off major appliances that were operating before the outage, and resume operation over a twenty minute period.
- When power resumes, check to make sure the freezer and refrigerator are working, reset clocks, automatic timers and alarms.