What Home Owners Need to Know
What Causes Flickering Power

Intermittent power flickers may occur from time to time, often stemming from faults or weakened connections within our underground power cables.
At Burlington Hydro, we are diligent in monitoring and promptly repairing these faults once identified.
Faults in underground power cables are particularly prevalent during the spring months, due to the increased moisture in the ground resulting from thawing. Additionally, they may occur more frequently during unusually wet seasons when moisture levels in the ground rise above normal.
Unlike faults in overhead lines, those in underground cables are not immediately visible, which can prolong the detection and repair process. Consequently, brief flickering outages may persist as we address these issues.
As part of our proactive maintenance and replacement program, we carefully monitor our underground cable system to pinpoint areas within the City of Burlington that warrant cable replacement. Through comprehensive tracking of faults via trouble reports, we can identify and prioritize specific areas for maintenance, ensuring the reliability of our power distribution network.