What Home Owners Need to Know
Storm Damage Repairs

Who Owns the Electrical Equipment Attached to My Home or Business?
Severe weather can damage electrical equipment attached to buildings. This equipment belongs either to the property owner or Burlington Hydro and will need to be repaired to make it safe before service can be restored.
Diagrams 1 and 2 illustrate who owns what parts of the electrical connections to your home or business.
Overhead Service
Typically, in the case of overhead electricity service, a property owner's responsibility for electrical equipment begins where the wires attach to the house. This means the wire from the electricity pole to the house generally belongs to Burlington Hydro. The wires inside the mast/pipe, the mast, and those attached to and in the house, belong to the property owner. The electricity meter belongs to Burlington Hydro whereas the meter base and the conduit entering the building belong to the property owner.
Underground Service
In the case of underground service, Burlington Hydro is responsible for the underground service connection and the meter. The property owner is responsible for the meter base and the conduit entering the building.
Making Repairs
Immediately report any damage to Burlington Hydro’s equipment to us at 905-332-1851, so the preparation process can begin.
If equipment owned by the property owner has been damaged, follow the process to have electrical equipment repaired for restoration of power as outlined in the Electrical Safety Authority’s Information for Property Owners Needing Electrical Repairs After a Storm.
Always hire a licensed electrical contractor to make repairs. They can arrange for any required permits, inspections, and the reconnection of your electricity service. Visit the Electrical Safety Authority’s website to locate a licensed electrical contractor in your area.
Never hire an unlicensed electrician or attempt to make repairs yourself. This could delay your power being reconnected, affect your insurance claim, and create safety hazards.

Diagram 1: Overhead Services
This diagram illustrates distinct Burlington Hydro and customer repair responsibilities in an overhead service scenario.
Accessible Image Description of Diagram 1: Overhead Services Repair responsibilities

Diagram 2: Underground Services
This diagram illustrates Burlington Hydro and customer repair responsibilities in an underground service scenario.
Accessible image description of Diagram 2: Underground Repair responsibilities
Note that the images and descriptions above for the repair responsibilities between Burlington Hydro (BHI) and the customer in overhead and underground service scenarios might not apply to every household.