What Home Owners Need to Know
Powerline Safety

Extreme weather events have struck close to home and provide a vivid reminder of the need to be prepared for power outages.
The importance of understanding the danger presented by downed powerlines applies not only on your property, but throughout the entire community.
Downed Powerlines
1. Stay Back Length of a School Bus
See a downed pole, hydro line, or branches in contact with powerlines? Stay back the length of a school bus. The powerlines and everything in the vicinity could be electrified and potentially deadly. Keep 10 metres – 33 feet away.
2. Stay in Your Vehicle
Powerline on your car? Always assume any downed lines are energized and potentially lethal. CALL 9-1-1! If you can safely drive out from under the line or away from the source of electricity, do so. If you can't drive the vehicle, stay where you are until help arrives and never reach out the window to remove wires! If it becomes critical to escape the vehicle, jump out and away from the vehicle, making sure that you land with your feet together. You must not stumble, so don't try to jump far. Then, move away from the vehicle, using the shuffle technique, until you are at least 10 metres from the vehicle.
3. Stay Back and Stay Calm
First at an accident scene? If a powerline is on the vehicle or on the ground, do not rush in to assist. Assume any downed powerline and anything it touches is live and potentially deadly. You must keep at least 10 metres (33 feet) away. If you can communicate with the occupants of the vehicle, tell them to stay in the vehicle until help arrives. Call 9-1-1 and warn any others in the vicinity about the need to keep people and animals back at least 10 metres (33 feet).
Flooded Areas
See or suspect flooding in your basement? Assume basements and all submerged areas are electrified. If you are in immediate danger, contact 911. Report the flooding to Burlington Hydro at 1-877-310-4937. Never try to access your fuse panel in wet or flooded conditions. Contact a licensed electrical contractor using the Electrical Safety Authority website. Never attempt repairs yourself.
Hazards Posed by Trees, Powerlines and Other Wires After Storms
When tree branches come in contact with powerlines due to heavy winds or ice storms, they can become energized and electrocute anyone who touches them.
When lines are stressed or down, always stay well away from the powerlines and the trees in the vicinity. Anything touching a powerline under certain conditions can be energized and, potentially, lethal. The same is true for telephone, fiber optic and cable television wires. They, too, can become energized if powerlines come in contact with them. If you see a downed wire on a tree limb, immediately call 1-877-310-4937.