What Home Owners Need to Know
Flooding in Your Home: How to Stay Safe

If your house or basement has flooded, do not walk in or touch standing water as it may be energized by the electrical system in your home.
In flooded conditions, no part of a flooded home should be considered safe. When water makes contact with electrical systems, there is a risk of electric shock that can seriously injure or kill.
Do not enter your basement if the water is above the level of electrical outlets, baseboard heaters or the furnace, or is near your electrical panel. Call Burlington Hydro immediately at 1-877-310-4937. We will arrange to disconnect power to your home or business.
Watch for downed powerlines in flood-affected areas. If you see one, stay back the length of a school bus (10 metres). Call 9-1-1 and then, Burlington Hydro at 1-877-310-4937 to report it.
Hire a Licensed Electrical Contractor to check your home’s electrical system. The contractor will determine if it is safe to have Burlington Hydro restore power to your home. The contractor will file a notification with the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) so there is a record of the work. When the contractor completes the work, the contractor will notify the ESA. Ask for a copy of the ESA Certificate of Acceptance for your records and insurance purposes.
The ESA will inform Burlington Hydro that it is safe to reconnect.
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