Engineering Services

Microgeneration and Net Metering: For Projects 10 kW or Less
The steps to follow and online forms to submit to apply to connect a net metered electricity generation source that will generate 10 kilowatts or less to Burlington Hydro’s electricity grid.

New Services, Upgrades, Relocations Demolitions Commercial and Residential
From new services, to upgrades and relocates, this provides an end-to-end review of requirements.

Service Disconnections / Isolations and Area Entry Requests
Information on the process to follow to request a residential or commercial temporary service disconnection / isolation or apply for access to a restricted area.

Suite Metering for Condominiums
Suite metering is a program for condominiums where each suite or unit in the condo has its own meter and the electricity consumed is billed to the unit owner. This gives the unit owners control over their own usage and promotes conservation throughout the building.