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Energy Saving Tips and Strategies for Business:
Top 10 ways to power down your electricity costs at work:

Lighting is typically the biggest energy expense for small retailers and offices. Use LED bulbs which use up to 95% less energy and last significantly longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Install new high efficiency T8 and T5 fluorescent tubes. They last longer (up to 16 years), cast attractive lighting colour and need less maintenance than standard T12 lamps.

If you're purchasing HVAC equipment, ask for the energy efficiency ratings. They'll let you compare for energy efficiency for similar equipment.

Install occupancy sensors and dimmers in break rooms, restrooms and conference rooms. They can reduce lighting costs by up to 40%.

Use recommended thermostat set points. Every degree of cooling increases energy use by 4 to 5%.

Install a programmable thermostat to automatically control temperature settings. It could save you up to 10% on your heating and cooling costs.

Increase the efficiency of heating and cooling systems. Prevent heat gain or loss with insulation; weather-stripping around doors; and shades, awnings or tinting over windows.

Keep computers on standby. Computers are only used an average of 10% of the time they are turned on.

Consider using ink-jet printers which consume less energy than laser printers.

Use energy smart power strips that sense when equipment is not in use and operate on stand-by.